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La Antena

FANHALL ID: if01751
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片名: La Antena
其它片名: 天线
导演: Esteban Sapir
编剧: Esteban Sapir
制片人: Federico Rotstein
摄影: Cristian Cottet
美术: Daniel Gimelberg
声音: Claudia Ferrero
剪辑: Pablo Barbieri Carrera
主演: Alejandro Urdapilleta, Valeria Bertuccelli
音乐: Leo Sujatovich
片长: 99分钟
年份: 2007年
类型: 剧情
国别: 阿根廷
语言: 西班牙语
格式: 黑白 35mm
制作机构: LadobleA

影片概述 . . . . . .

“很久很久以前,有一座失去声音的城市。居民们的声音被人窃取了。好多年过去,没人打破这寂静”。 阿根廷导演Esteban Sapir在他的第二部作品《天线》中,带给我们一篇难以用语言形容的反乌托邦童话。晦暗的、卡通化的、脆弱而极其美丽的黑白影像,用梦一般超现实主义的黑色电影向默片时代致敬

The summary line is some men's wet dream for the ideal woman ... ;o) Seriously though, back to the movie, which has classic cinema written all over it (pun intended and quite literally shown in the picture, too as you'll see)!

How could someone make a silent movie in this year and age? It's not completely silent for once (take the music for instance). With great cinematography is the answer. And it's no wonder that it did win prizes (as another user stated) in this area! But it's also sometimes it's downfall. Although the pictures are great, it sometimes delves too much in them instead of moving forward (plot and time wise). If you can cope with that, than you'll enjoy it even more than me. I haven't told you anything about the story, but I'll never do that, because I don't want to spoiler anything for you ...

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