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FANHALL ID: if01745
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片名: 电影就是记录生命-土本典昭的工作
其它片名: Cinema Is About Documenting Lives:The Works and Times of Noriaki Tsuchimoto
导演: 藤原敏史, 今田哲史
制片人: 伏屋博雄
摄影: 加藤孝信
声音: 久保田幸雄
剪辑: 藤原敏史
片长: 94分钟
年份: 2006年
类型: 纪录片
国别: 日本
语言: 日语
格式: 彩色、黑白/DVCAM

影片概述 . . . . . .

Minamata. This work follows Tsuchimoto to present-day Minamata, while incorporating footage from the Minamata series, including Minamata: The Victims and Their World (1971) and The Shiranui Sea (1975), as well as the director’s comments on the filming of his pre-Minamata works An Engineer’s Assistant (1963) and Document: On the Road (1964). This film confronts Tsuchimoto as he continues to question the significance of documenting and reflects on the present lives of patients depicted in past films and the (presumably) incomplete history of Minamata. And this young filmmaker’s intentions are . . .
—from the YIDFF ’07 official catalog

导演阐述 . . . . . .

Director’s Statement:
When I decided to make a film about Tsuchimoto Noriaki, the materials available were the films that Tsuchimoto made in the past, and Tsuchimoto’s own face in the present, bearing the memories of these pasts. And now I have the images of Minamata as documented by Tsuchimoto over thirty years ago, and my camera documenting Tsuchimoto walking in Minamata today.
The camera is a cruel machine. We may control what is in the frame, but the lives as seen through that frame are captured mechanically as they are. The irreversible passing of time between these two eras, the changes the world has gone through, are engraved mercilessly in the cold-hearted Kino Glaz.
I myself, born in 1970, know so little about this time gone by. That is why I would like to dedicate this film to my father and mother, who became parents for the first time the same year Tsuchimoto first filmed in Minamata, in 1965, and also to the people of their generation who built the Japanese postwar.

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