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片名: 奶酪和蛆虫
其它片名: The Cheese & The Worms
导演: 加藤治代
摄影: 加藤治代, 加藤直美, 栗田昌德, 中嶋宪夫
声音: 菊池信之, 早川一马, 久世圭子
剪辑: 加藤治代
音乐: 须贺大郎
片长: 98分钟
年份: 2005年
类型: 纪录片
格式: /彩色/录像/

影片概述 . . . . . .

导演加藤治代和得了绝症的母亲及高龄的祖母居住在一个乡下的小城。透过摄影机清澈的视线,我们看到的是母亲和疾病做斗争的情景以及和住在隔壁的哥哥一家淡淡的日常交流。摄影机所记录下的母亲的音容笑貌,流露著作者对母亲的挚爱和家庭的温暖。淡定和从容不迫的描写,面对至亲的死亡,摇曳在生死之间,用摄影机所记录下的那短暂的、如泡沫般的时光,悄悄地、轻轻地触动观者的心灵。恍惚中仿佛有天使降临,注视着这一切。 片名取自意大利历史学家卡洛•金兹伯格的史书《奶酪和蛆虫》。虽然作品内容和这部书没有直接关系,但金兹伯格的“世界处于一片混吨之中。土、空气、水、火等等一切皆是混吨的。这些逐渐形成团块,就像从牛奶中制造出奶酪,然后奶酪中会出现蛆虫一样,这些似蛆虫样的东西,就是天使”的话,给面临至亲的离去,处于悲痛和绝望中的导演以灵感,遂用作片名
Chinese Subtitles translation: Huang Jingbo、Huang Ji
The director lives in a small rural town with her dying mother and old grandmother. The serene eye of the camera depicts her mother’s fight with illness side by side with casual daily exchange with her brother’s family next door. Through interspersed images of her mother, the warmth of the family and their love for her is slowly and gently nurtured. Face to face with the all too real death of her mother, the director takes a hard look at life and death, preserving each fragile moment on film. Slowly but steadily, the feel of life’s delicacy emerges. Before long an angel descends to gaze on us all.
This film got the Ogawa Shinsuke Prize and FIPRESCI Prize in the Yamagata International Documentary Film Festival 2005, and also got the Montgolfière d’or Prix of the 30th Festival des 3 continents.
—Reference to the YIDFF ’2005 official catalog

导演阐述 . . . . . .

Director’s Statement
One day I was suddenly told that my mother had one or two years to live.
In the third year of her illness, I bought a small video camera innocently believing that she would recover. I dreamed of recording her TV or movie-like “miracle” recovery, but the reality of everyday life was nothing more than ordinary routine. All that my small camera recorded were the same things contained in ordinary home videos of ordinary families. On the contrary, as my mother’s condition worsened and her suffering and sorrow increased, all I could do was watch over her closely. I didn’t have the courage to level my camera at her. When pain and sorrow really started to take hold on my mother, and when she started to die, I was not able to record even a single shot.
It was only after her death that I first found the determination to begin filming. I realized that people left behind by death have to keep crawling forward even as they cry like babies. I also could not accept my mother’s death unless I could find something comforting and meaningful in this pain and loss.
All those sad things I couldn’t film might have been, in a way, things I didn’t need to film, because even now the pain allows me to remember them clearly. More than that, the memories that I hold dear now probably would have slipped away if I hadn’t recorded them on video—those monotonous, repetitive, but painful hours with my mother that video had transformed into sweet, gentle, ordinary happiness.

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