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Chambre 666

FANHALL ID: if01667
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片名: Chambre 666
其它片名: 房间666/Room 666
导演: Wim Wenders
编剧: Wim Wenders
制片人: Chris Sievernich, Michel Boujut, Claude Ventura
摄影: Agnès Godard
声音: Jean-Paul Mugel
剪辑: Chantal de Vismes
主演: Jean-Luc Godard, Michelangelo Antonioni, Rainer Werner Fassbinder, Werner Herzog, Robert Kramer, Chantal Akerman, Maroun Bagdadi, Maroun Bagdadi, Ana Carolina, Ana Carolina, Mike De Leon, Mike De Leon, Steven Spielberg, Noël Simsolo, Susan Seidelman, Paul Morrissey, Monte Hellman, Yilmaz Güney, Romain Goupil
音乐: Jürgen Knieper
片长: 45分钟
年份: 1982年
类型: 纪录片
国别: 法国 西德
语言: 德语 法语 英语
制作机构: Antenne-2

影片概述 . . . . . .

Wim Winders directed this somewhat interesting documentary filmed during the 1982 Cannes Fil Festival. Winders set up a camera in a hotel room and he'd ask various directors to come in and say what they thought about the future of cinema. Werner Herzog, Steven Spielberg, Michelangelo Antonioni, Jean-Luc Godard, Paul Morrissey and various others take part and offer their thoughts on the subject. The opinions very from Herzog not fearing the future to Spielberg showing high concern over the budgets of big movies, which are forcing studios to cut back on smaller films. It's funny because he speaks of being worried about the $10 million it took to film E.T., which he says could cost $18 million in a few years. It's also interesting to hear Herzog "predict" that one day you might be able to order movies through a computer or television. There's nothing technically good about this 45-minute film but it's interesting none the less文德斯拍摄纪录片,通常都不会很客观,他总是不断提出问题,早在《六六六室》,他已经对电影的意义发出了质问,并询问了许多导演的意见——电影是否已死?不过那个片子与其说是访谈,倒不如说是观察每个导演在面对问题时应对方式,简单扼要表明态度,或者大发言论甚至离题千里,毕竟回答这个问题实在无法逻辑严谨。

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