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Der Stand der Dinge

FANHALL ID: if01666
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片名: Der Stand der Dinge
其它片名: 事物的状态/Stand der Dinge, Der
导演: Wim Wenders
编剧: Wim Wenders, Robert Kramer, Josh Wallace
制片人: Paulo Branco, Chris Sievernich, Pierre Cottrell, Renée Gundelach
摄影: Henri Alekan, FredMurphy, Martin Schäfer
美术: Zé Branco
声音: Jean-Paul Mugel, Anna R. Delanzo, Neal Marshad
剪辑: Peter Przygodda, Jon Neuburger, Barbara von Weitershausen
主演: Isabelle Weingarten, Rebecca Pauly, Jeffrey Kime, Geoffrey Carey
音乐: Jim Jarmusch, Jürgen Knieper
片长: 125分钟
年份: 1982年
类型: 剧情
国别: 葡萄牙 / 美国 / 西德
语言: 英语 葡萄牙语
制作机构: Gray City

影片概述 . . . . . .

Between commercial successes like Paris Texas and Angels over Berlin, Wenders still manages to make the kind of seemingly irrelevant road movies such as Santiago and State of Things, that have made him the cult hero he is. Here a cheesy scifi B-movie is interrupted at a climatic scene to follow people just hanging around talking. Which is more cinematic is a question that comes back over and over again. Actively pursuing a life, no matter how mundane or screwed up, seems to be more rewarding than passively waiting to have someone else fulfill your fantasies, or so this film seems to hint. Good film for those still in love with non virtual reality. 故事发生在葡萄牙的海边,一个电影剧组正在这里翻拍罗杰·柯曼的名作《世界末日》,新版本的电影在拍摄过程中却遇到了各种困难。导演不知道为何没有了资金来源,电影面临被迫停拍的命运。导演试图联系到在洛衫机的制片人,以便可以对所有人员有一个交代,但是不知为何却找不到人。他费劲心思希望可以改变不得不停拍的命运,然而,世事总不如人所料,他感到十分无奈。该片情节很简单,但是却耐人寻味,整个电影都沉迷在一种神秘的意蕴中。

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