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Ydessa, les ours et etc

FANHALL ID: if01433
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片名: Ydessa, les ours et etc
导演: Agnès Varda
编剧: Agnès Varda
制片人: Agnès Varda
摄影: Claire Duguet, John Holosko, Markus Seitz, Rick Kearney
剪辑: Agnès Varda, Jean-Baptiste Morin, Thomas Benigni
主演: Ydessa Hendeles
音乐: Isabelle Olivier, Didier Lockwood
片长: 44分钟
国别: 法国
语言: 法语
制作机构: Ciné Tamaris

影片概述 . . . . . .

I won't make any spoilers. This movie doesn't want to be spoiled.

This is one of those films that takes you away . . . and it's nicest to be taken away when you only little by little discover where you're going, which is so rare in the movies. The way AV negotiates this woman's story (or better, "book" in the Proustian sense. sorry about this hauteur cuisine aside if you don't know what this means), with her camera, with her voice overs and by giving Ydessa space to speak for herself, and for others to talk about her and her work and life (there are no "question and answer" segments, as I recall, which is pretty smart: why is it necessary to hear the questions in interviews, isn't it usually a complete waste of time? in fact when you think about it recording the questions is generally a way of putting across ideas about the point of view of the audience or interviewer, to some extent, why not be always more forthright and do it outwardly as Varda does here? I mean dialogue is a great way to get the material for documentary, but life being short, you could probably squeeze more stuff in being less faithful to the interview process in doc film-making. oh hell I think a lot of people know this already, but for those who don't like I didn't so formally until just now), along with her use of music, is really just absolutely perfect, you are in complete subjugation in your seat in the theater being controlled by Agnes Varda and it's meaningful and delicious. The very sweet sound of Agnes Varda saying "teddy bear" with her thick French accent won't leave you for some time.

Oh, and, this film is set in Canada, not France, and is in English

非常甜蜜的声音阿涅斯瓦尔达说: “泰迪熊”与她的厚厚的法国口音再也不会离开你了。

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