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Me and You and Everyone We Know

FANHALL ID: if00142
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片名: Me and You and Everyone We Know
其它片名: 爱情我你他
导演: Miranda July
编剧: Miranda July
制片人: Jonathan Sehring, Caroline Kaplan, Suzi Yoonessi, Mary Prendergast, Gina Kwon, Mike Crawford, Peter Carlton, Holly Becker
摄影: Chuy Chávez
美术: Chikako Suzuki, Rob Spence, Dominique Phelps, Andrew O'Melia, Erinn McCormack, Juliane Crump
剪辑: Charles Ireland, Andrew Dickler
主演: James Kayten, Colette Kilroy, Ellen Geer, Jonelle Kennedy, Tracy Wright, Najarra Townsend, Natasha Slayton, Brad Henke, Hector Elias, Carlie Westerman, Brandon Ratcliff, Miles Thompson, Miranda July, 约翰·豪克斯/John Hawkes
音乐: Michael Andrews
片长: 91 / USA:90分钟
年份: 2004年
类型: 喜剧/剧情
国别: 美国/英国
语言: 英语
制作机构: IFC Films, FilmFour

影片概述 . . . . . .

皮鞋推销员理查德(约翰·豪克斯 饰)刚刚经历了失败婚姻的煎熬,妻子嫌他缺乏男子汉气概、越看越像老太太,因此甩袖而去,恼火之余的理查德把手涂上了可燃液体并点燃,他选择自毁来作为对于婚姻的警醒,火焰的灼痛让他再次鼓起了信心,毕竟还有两个儿子需要他的照料,而且他相信生活中总会有奇迹降临;影像艺术家克里斯蒂娜(米兰达·朱莱 饰)靠开出租车来养活艺术家的梦想,她企盼着自己的作品有朝一日能在现代艺术馆展出,她的作品坦白、直接而前卫:拍下了自己的双脚,一个标着“我”,另一个标着“你”,她想用天马行空的视觉想象来拉近自己对于情感与艺术的企盼。

导演阐述 . . . . . .

获得奖项 . . . . . .

Cannes Film Festival
2005 Won Critics Week Grand Prize
Prix Regards Jeune Best Feature Film
Young Critics Award Best Feature
Tied with Unmei janai hito (2005).

Chicago Film Critics Association Awards
2006 Won CFCA Award Most Promising Performer
Nominated CFCA Award Most Promising Filmmaker

Chlotrudis Awards
2006 Won Chlotrudis Award Best Original Screenplay
Nominated Chlotrudis Award Best Movie
Best Supporting Actor

Dallas-Fort Worth Film Critics Association Awards
2005 Won Russell Smith Award

Gotham Awards
2005 Nominated Best Film
Breakthrough Director Award

Independent Spirit Awards
2006 Nominated Independent Spirit Award Best First Feature
Best First Screenplay
2005 Won Producers Award
Also for The Good Girl (2002) and The Motel (2005).

Newport International Film Festival
2005 Won Audience Award Best Feature
Jury Award Best Director

Philadelphia Film Festival
2005 Won Best First Time Director

San Francisco International Film Festival
2005 Won Audience Award Best Narrative Feature
SKYY Prize

Stockholm Film Festival
2005 Won Best Directorial Debut

Sundance Film Festival
2005 Won Special Jury Prize Dramatic
For originality of vision.
Nominated Grand Jury Prize Dramatic
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