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Murs, murs

FANHALL ID: if01412
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片名: Murs, murs
其它片名: 墙的呢喃
导演: Agnès Varda
编剧: Agnès Varda
摄影: Nurit Aviv
剪辑: Sabine Mamou, Bob Gould
主演: Juliet Berto, Mathieu Demy
片长: 81分钟
年份: 1981年
类型: 纪录片
国别: 法国/美国
语言: 法语/英语
制作机构: Los Angeles, California, USA

影片概述 . . . . . .

The French director Agnes Varda spent a couple of different years in Los Angeles, and this particular year produced her documentary "Murs, murs" and her fiction film "Documenteur". The title means "Walls, walls", but also puns with the word "murmurs." Varda located dozens of murals around LA and filmed them. Many of these are gone today, so this is a true documentary, documenting a wonderful aspect of southern Californian visual culture. She interviews the artists, a truly multicultural and multicolored group--and shows the paintings in their urban contexts. One memorable scene shows a mural at Venice Beach with young people dancing in front of it (probably near where their sons and daughters are roller skating or skateboarding now). An enjoyable movie by a European with deep aesthetic appreciation for marvelous, imaginative, colorful imagery that was considered throwaway pop culture at the time. Varda 再度举家迁往洛衫矶,在另一个拍片计划因资金而受阻的情况下,她决定先拍一部纪录片。一向为拍片集资而苦的她,此时却意外地得到法国文化部的投资,更不可思意的是影片的主题竟是她所感兴趣的洛衫矶的街头壁画。《墙的呢喃》(Mur murs /1980)讲的也就因此是艺术家与钱。她访问了很多为加州带来各式各样异文化色彩浓厚的外来移民艺术家,谈他们的艺术理念和他们的资金来源

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