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FANHALL ID: if01380
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片名: Tire-au-flanc62
其它片名: 懒兵62
导演: François Truffaut, Claude de Givray
编剧: Claude de Givray (
制片人: François Truffaut
摄影: Raoul Coutard
剪辑: Claudine Bouché
主演: Christian de Tillière, Ricet-Barrier, Jacques Balutin
音乐: Ricet-Barrier
片长: 87分钟
国别: 法国
语言: 法语

影片概述 . . . . . .

there was the Nouvelle Vague. Tire au flanc 62 it's a wild comedy about the army. Truffaut and his friend Claude De Givray (Stolen Kisses and Bed and Board co-writer) made this film to laugh at institution that ruined part of their lives. Fast paced and deliberate chaotic, Tire au flanc 62 tells the story of two young men trying to make fun of their duty at the army.

Very close to the Cahiers du Cinema point of view about the modern cinema, this movie it was a step forward of the genre and one of the first contemporary comedies

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