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Sirène du Mississipi, La

FANHALL ID: if01371
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片名: Sirène du Mississipi, La
其它片名: 骗婚记
导演: François Truffaut
编剧: François Truffaut
制片人: François Truffaut, Marcel Berbert
摄影: Denys Clerval
声音: René Levert
剪辑: Agnès Guillemot
主演: Catherine Deneuve, Jean-Paul Belmondo, Nelly Borgeaud
音乐: Antoine Duhamel
片长: 123分钟
年份: 1969年
国别: 法国/意大利
语言: 法语
制作机构: Les Films du Carrosse

影片概述 . . . . . .

Usually, when we hear about a Truffaut movie, we think of "The 400 Blows", "The Wild Child", or something similar. "Mississippi Mermaid" is a shocker in that respect. It wasn't a bad movie, but I didn't derive that it was actually trying to say anything. In some sense, it almost seemed like the sort of movie that they just made for fun (Truffaut wouldn't have done that, would he?). It focuses on Reunion resident Louis Mahe (Jean-Paul Belmondo) marrying Julie Roussel (Catherine Deneuve), who may or may not be what she seems.

Anyway, it's okay just to watch, but I wouldn't make it my first choice. It's still surprising that Francois Truffaut did this.

杜鲁福为法国影坛天王天后打造他们的高峰代表作。尚保罗·贝蒙多与嘉芙莲· 丹露的演出令人神魂颠倒,影片取得空前成功,亦成了杜鲁福电影生涯的转折点。法属岛国的烟草老板,用征婚启事寻找另一半,飘然而至的女人,竟美得像个掉下凡间的天使。新婚不久爱妻赫然拿掉他整副身家人间蒸发,他奔走天涯海角原要寻仇,但面对她的一刻,心却瘫软地上。杜鲁福将希治阁完美融合到爱情里去,拍出只此一家的惊栗爱情片。镜头随着亡命鸳鸯从热带森林跑过冰封雪地,弹奏出一阕神采飞扬的狂想曲,彩色阔银幕的眩目影像如同飨宴,尽情满足影痴贪婪的眼睛。

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