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FANHALL ID: if01349
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片名: Tystnaden
其它片名: 沉默
导演: Ingmar Bergman
编剧: Ingmar Bergman
制片人: Allan Ekelund
摄影: Sven Nykvist
声音: Stig Flodin
剪辑: Ulla Ryghe
主演: Birger Malmsten, Ingrid Thulin, Gunnel Lindblom
音乐: Ivan Renliden
片长: 96分钟
年份: 1963年
类型: 剧情
国别: 瑞典
语言: 瑞典语
制作机构: Svensk Filmindustri (SF)

影片概述 . . . . . .

A harrowing film. Two sisters and a young son spend some time in a town whose language they do not speak. It's dejected and lonely, as bleak as Bergman gets. Supposedly it's about faith; it is part of his "religous trilogy" (along with Through the Glass Darkly). The town is strange and eerie and alien. The sisters' non-understanding of the native tongue brings to a focus their alienation from each other as well as from everyone else - you'll feel it too. It's not a pleasant film to watch, but it's beautiful nonetheless.

By the way, Kubrick fans will love looking at how this film influenced The Shining. The film is rife with long sweeps through the hotel where the sisters are staying. Abandoned opulant hotel corridors swim by, lazy and radiant with mesmerizing patterns. However, this film is even more dejected and alienating than The Shining. And the sex scene is one of the most unappealing I've ever scene; It's ridiculously cold.

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