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Bremen Freedom

FANHALL ID: if01272
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片名: Bremen Freedom
其它片名: 不来梅的自由
导演: Rainer Werner Fassbinder
编剧: Rainer Werner Fassbinder
摄影: Dietrich Lohmann, Pit Weyrich, Hans Schugg
声音: Fritz Müller-Scherz
剪辑: Friedrich Niquet, Monika Solzbacher
主演: Margit Carstensen, Wolfgang Schenck, Wolfgang Kieling
片长: 87分钟
年份: 1972年
类型: 剧情
国别: 德国
语言: 德语
制作机构: Saarländischer Rundfunk (SR)

影片概述 . . . . . .

This is my most favourite Fassbinder's film to date (I might change my mind in the future as I have seen only 15 films of his.) The movie is represented in the form of a stage play,and this style works very effectively for me. I was stunned when I saw it. It is so raw, yet so moving. It is so minimal, yet so intense. The thing that impressed me the most is the song that Geesche sang repeatedly. For the first time she sang it, I just thought her voice expressed a strong emotion very well. But for the latter times she sang it, it becomes heart-rending. It breaks my heart and makes me want to cry. Her grief was not only expressed, but also instilled into my heart. No matter how brutal or cruel she was, I feel it's hard to hate her. One can understand her reason for killing very well.The opening shot that focuses on her moving feet impressed me a lot. And it never gets dull after that. The tension is maintained very well throughout the movie. The backdrop of the stage enhances my feelings and emotions to the utmost degree. Sometimes the backdrop is a view of the landscape, sometimes it is an enlarged image of her face. But it strikes me every time. It elevates this movie to the highest position. The acting is, of course, top-notch. Margit Carstensen does not only make her character come alive, but she also brings the heart of Geesche inside out. The props on the stage is very sparse, but very appropriately placed. A lot of scenes in this movie were shot from a meaningful angle--the angle that add an important meaning to its own scene. I can see that many shots were very carefully constructed. No big budget is required to make this kind of excellent movies. I feel this movie really stands out from other films of Fassbinder. Not only that its style is different, but its power, its intensity, and its haunting quality also make this movie transcend all. I think if I have another chance to hear that song again, I might not be able to control my tears any more

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