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The Bitter Tears of Petra von Kant

FANHALL ID: if01269
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片名: The Bitter Tears of Petra von Kant
其它片名: 裴特拉·冯·康特苦涩的眼泪/裴特拉的苦泪/柏特娜的苦泪
导演: Rainer Werner Fassbinder
编剧: Rainer Werner Fassbinder
摄影: Michael Ballhaus
声音: Gunther Kortwich, Harry Rausch
剪辑: Thea Eymèsz
主演: Hanna Schygulla, Katrin Schaake, Margit Carstensen
片长: 124分钟
年份: 1970年
国别: 德国
语言: 德语

影片概述 . . . . . .

The Bitter Tears of Petra von Kant" is a powerful, unflinching view of a love affair gone wrong. Though Petra is not the most sympathetic of characters (note the constant berating of her mute personal assistant throughout the film, which becomes even more intense when Hanna Schygulla's character leaves), one can't help but sympathize with her a little by the end. Not stagy at all, the actors all perform in a believable way, as though they were not actors at all but real people caught in these situations (note Mrs. von Kant's incredulousness when she discovers Petra's love affair with another woman). Excellent, but certainly not for all tastes. This is an extremely claustrophobic film; does Petra ever leave her apartment? Certainly, it's the best Fassbinder film I've seen so far, though. I'm glad I saw it, as I nearly gave up on him.


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