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SOFT AND HARD (A soft conversation between two friends on a hard subject)

FANHALL ID: if01061
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片名: SOFT AND HARD (A soft conversation between two friends on a hard subject)
其它片名: 软和硬
导演: Jean-Luc Godard, Anne-Marie Miéville
制片人: Ben Gibson
主演: Jean-Luc Godard
片长: 52分钟
年份: 1986年
国别: 法国/英国
语言: 法语
制作机构: Channel Four Films, JLG Films

影片概述 . . . . . .

The majority of this video consists of Godard and companion, Mieville sitting on the sofa and discussing the aesthetic emptiness of television, and why their current films have been less sucessful on some levels. It is tedious and extremely pretentious. It is very withdrawn, and I'm sure hardcore Godard loyalists with attribute this to the commentary he is creating, but the video seems to wallow in its own self importance - making it almost unbearable

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