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2021-04-11 04:25:42   来自: fanhallfilm
  美国东部时间:4月11日星期天 7:00PM
  香港时间:4月12日星期一 7:00AM
  Gina Marchetti, Center for the Study of Globalization and Cultures, University of Hong Kong
  Esther Yau, University of Hong Kong (Hong Kong)
  Dayong Zhao, director of One Says No (China)
  Rikun Zhu, documentary film director (The Questioning and many others) and executive director, Fanhall Films (China)
  Harry Gu, Hobart and William Smith Colleges, translator
  One Say No
  导演Director:趙大勇Zhao Dayong
  製片人Producers:朱日坤Zhu Rikun,Georg Prokop,David bandurski
  攝影Cinematographier:趙大勇Zhao Dayong 魏學奇Wei Xueqi, AZhong
  剪辑Editor:趙大勇Zhao Dayong
  電影節Film Festival:
  Ji.hlava International Documentary Film Festival – International Competition 2020
  Finger Lakes Environmental Film Festival 2021
  Yangji Village is a century-old village located in the center of Guangzhou, and is where Azhong\'s home is located. In 2009, the authorities begin the forced relocation of all villagers in the name of urban transformation. After several stand-offs the residents are eventually compelled to compromise and accept unfair terms imposed by the government. One villager by the name of Li Jie does not get fair treatment, and plunges to her death from the top of her building. Yet Azhong decides to fight on, and ensure that so long as he remains, so does his home. From then on he never leaves the house. He barricades every floor and is ready to fight off the underworld ruffians hired by developers. In the blink of an eye, the once densely built-up village is demolished, Azhong\'s home the sole building left standing. At this time he and his family have been battling for more than a year. The government has lost patience negotiating with him, and besides cutting off the water and electricity, has sent underworld thugs to create disturbance and damage his home in the middle of the night. Azhong has to stay up every night to fight them off. During the day he makes bombs which he sets in every room as well as at the entrance, and keeps the detonator with him at all times. The cutting off of water and electricity makes the life of the family ever more difficult, and Azhong at last decides to let his wife and children move away, and keeps his guard alone. His 7-year-old son finds an old camera in one of the rooms, and starts taking pictures of the house every day to preserve his memory.
     赵大勇现居纽约。早年画画,九十年代末从广告导演。2004年开始独立影像创作。拍摄纪录片和剧情片。2007年第一部纪录片《南京路Sthet Life》2008年纪录片《废城GHOST TOWN》2010年纪录片《MY FATHeS HOUSE》2010年剧情片《寻欢作乐THE HIGH LIFE》2010年实验短片《下流诗歌Rough Poetry》2014年剧情片《鬼日子Shadow Days》2018年《One Says No》。作品多次入围国际电影节并获国际大奖。



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